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Scout von Bauer

Scout  profile

Scout von Bauer is a large classic looking 3 year old German Shepherd. Scout was a ranch dog and purchased by his owners from a breeder. Scout is everything people think of when they think of German Shepherds, he is the breed standard. He's even a little large for the breed standard since he could easily be 90 to 100 pounds. He also has the straighter back, which most people like, with less of the angulation. Scout's owners couldn’t keep him anymore but were happy that we would find him a good home. Scout has obedience training and walks well on the leash. He met an orange tabby cat on his walk and the cat must have sensed that he didn’t need to get out of the way as Scout was completely uninterested. We walked up to the cat and back around several times and he was perfect. Scout likes female dogs but gives a very deep big bark to let the males know that he is not to be messed with. Scout is a spectacular dog and we are asking a donation of $500 to help with the medical expenses of some of our less fortunate dogs.

Scout standing


Scout resting 2-1

Scout resting 3

Scout back head

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Copyright © 2003 Westside German Shepherd Rescue. All rights reserved.
Last Updated 08/10/2007.